Judy Zugish Teaching Schedule

NEW!   See article on Judy's tray basket here
Judy Zugish random weave piece

2020 DatesEventLocation
Feb 16th - 22nd John C Campbell Folk School - The Wonders of Willow Brasstown, NC
March 20th - 22ndLos Angeles Basketry Guild Retreat - Stepping Stone
Willow Bark Purse
Lake Arrowhead Ranch
March 27th - 28thSchack Fine Art Center - Copper Tides Basketry WorkshopEvertt, WA
June 6th - 7th Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network - Let's Weave a BowlBainbridge Island, WA
July 25thHandweavers Guild of American Convergence -
Luminous Ambitions
Knoxville, KY
July 26thHandweavers Guild of American Convergence -
A Journey-Fiber Weaving in New Zealand and Australia
July 27thHandweavers Guild of American Convergence -
Rooted in Barks
July 28thHandweavers Guild of American Convergence -
August 24th - 25thSitka Art and Environmental Center - Let's Take a Hike Otis, OR
Sept 16th - 19thColumbia Basin Basketry Guild Retreat Rockaway Beach, OR
Additional class opportunities:
Through the seasons of growing and harvest, the garden offers Judy opportunities to teach on site. We encourage you to contact Fishsticks to arrange a private class for your own small group or get on the list to join a date with other students in the area.