Fiber Arts Garden

Some 30 years ago, unbeknownst to me, I began to belong to a two-acre garden that would design my life adventure.
We were a young family when we moved to a property blessed with rock less topsoil, a perfect climate, and dreams to grow.
After all those years, one thing I know:
An artist's life is filled with many footpaths; occasional serendipity; numerous setbacks; bliss.

I rarely know how one passion will lead to the next.
My garden grew

into a collection of uncommon perennials,

into a celebrated grower nursery (Bouquet Banque),

into a passion for natural design,

into two sustainable acres of glorious fiber plants

into a partnership with Bill Roeder of cultivated labours, growth & energies comingled in purpose,

into a teaching school (Fishsticks Basketry),

into a joy-filled exploration of artistic expression in weaving and weeding, working and writing.

It is a dynamic mystery to me, belonging to a garden.

garden with fence image
"The small landholders are the most precious part of a state". Thomas Jefferson wrote that. I think he's on to something....

Come walk our pathways.......